physics-1 chapter-wise imp questions.
Properties of Matter
1. Draw a Stress-Strain diagram with the necessary notation.
Explain: Elastic Limit and Upper
2. Explain Types of Elasticity In detail. Explain Factors Affecting on Elasticity.
3. Drive the Expression for Depression of Cantilever.
4. Explain Hook’s Low
5. Explain in detail Stress – Strain diagram for a bar or wire.
6. Discuss elastic behavior or solid materials.
7. Define the following: Viscosity, Poisson’s ratio, Ductility and
Waves, Motion and Acoustics
1. Define: Damped Harmonic Motion
2. Explain Sound Absorption and Reverberation
3. Illustrate various aspects associated with the Acoustics of
the building.
4. Differentiate Free and Forced oscillations.
5. Write a short note on Reverberation and Reverberation time.
6. What are Damped and Undamped vibrations? Derive the differential equation and general solution of damped
harmonic motion.
Ultrasonic and Non distractive testing (NDT)
1. Give the difference between NDT and DT. Explain general
objectives of NDT.
2. What is an acoustic grating? Explain the acoustic grating
method to determine the velocity of ultrasound in liquids.
3. With a neat diagram describe the construction, working merits
and demerits of Magnetostriction Generator.
4. Wire a short note on Peizoelectric method for production
of ultrasonic sound.
5. Explain: Non Destructive Testing.
6. Define Ultrasonic Waves with necessary properties.
7. Explain Kunds’s tubes method for the detection of
Ultrasonic Sound.
8. Write down various advantages and disadvantages of
9. Define the piezoelectric effect and explain in detail
the piezoelectric generator with the necessary circuit diagram. Also, mention its merit and demerit.
10. Define the Magnetostriction effect and draw a neat and
clean circuit diagram of the Magnetostriction ultrasonic
11. What is Ultrasound? List various methods of detecting
ultrasonic waves.
12. Explain in brief SONAR and its application.
13. Classify the sound based on its frequency.