English previous year’s question papers

English chapter wise imp question

1.Vocabulary building

Q1) define word formation processes with examples.
compounding, clipping, blending, derivation, creative respelling, coining, and borrowing
Q2)What is the importance of Vocabulary Building? State your reasons in brief with relevant
Q3)What do you mean by Standard Abbreviation? Give any two standard abbreviations with
their full forms.


Q1)Explain the term “Redundancy” with examples.
Q2)Differentiate between Bilabial and Labiodental Sounds of English with examples.
Q3)What is “Diphthong”? Explain with examples
Q4)Which are the organs of speech? Describe the functions of any two organs in detail
Q5) What is phonetic transcription? Explain in detail. “Or”
Example based on phonetic transcription (7 mark)

           **Don’t prepare question 5 if you have only one day for the exam**

3.Identifying Common Errors in Writing

Q1) Grammar-based filling blanks from the following topics (around 14 to 20 marks)   
● Tenses
● Subject-verb agreement
● Noun-pronoun agreement
● Misplaced modifiers
● Articles
● Prepositions
● Modal Auxiliaries
● Redundancies

            * Do Not read any theory from this module practice the above grammar topics*

4.Basic Writing Skills

Q1)Enlist the types of sentences and give the relevant examples
Q2)What is coherence in writing?Demonstrate the importance of coherence in developing an
Q3)What is the significance of Punctuation Marks? Explain any four Punctuation
Punctuate sentence or paragraph

5.Nature and Style of Writing

Q1)What are the general tips one can consider to write an effective introduction and conclusion?
Short note on introduction and conclusion
Q2) write a short note on Defining, Describing, and classifying

Difference between Defining & Describing
Defining & classifying
Describing & classifying.
Describe [ Topic is given by examiner]
Classify. [ Topic is given by examiner]
Q3) write essay On [give by examiner]

6.Writing Practices

Q1) Précis Writing : (Read the following paragraph carefully and summarize it in 1/3 of its total length).
Q2) Letter Writing
Q3) Comprehension(Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the questions below it.)
Q4)What are the email etiquettes? Illustrate the importance of Email etiquette.

**More than 50% of English papers are based on grammar and examples. So give more priority to practice example based on topics**