BME chapter-wise imp questions.

1. Introduction

  1. Discuss Closed, Open, and Isolated Thermodynamic systems with neat Sketches. (W18, S20, W21,)
  2. Define the Zeroth law of thermodynamics and the First law of thermodynamics. (W20, W21)
  3. Define prime movers. Write any four examples of the prime movers. (W19, W20)
  4. Define the Melting point, Boiling point, and Tripple point of water using a p-v Diagram. (S19)
  5. Define the following terms:, Internal energy, heat capacity,  state, Path.(W20)
  6. The heat transfer from a heat reservoir is proportional to its temperature: Justify By deriving the equation.(w18)

2. Energy

  1. Write a short note on “Global Warming and solar energy”(W21)
  2. List the non-convectional sources of energy. Prepare a short note on solar energy. (W19)
  3. Discuss the factors responsible for global warming and Ozone depletion. (S19, W20)
  4. List advantages of Solar energy and its application(W2020)
  5. What is solid fuel? Discuss different types of solid fuel.(w18)

3. Properties of gases

  1. Define specific heat at Constant volume, constant pressure, and Adiabatic Index. Also derive the relationship between specific heats in form of a Characteristic gas constant. (S19, W19, W21)
  2. Differentiate between gas constant and Universal gas constant. (W19)
  3. Derive an expression for internal energy for a closed system (S19, S20)
  4. Define the following terms: Boyle’s law, Avogadro’s law, and Charle’s Law. (w20)
  5. Explain the adiabatic process. Derive an expression for work done during the adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas. (W20)
  6. Describe the Isothermal process and derive an expression for Work done, Change in Internal energy, Heat transfer, and Change in Enthalpy. (w18)

4. Properties of Steam

  1. Describe the process of formation steam on the T-H diagram. (W18, W21)
  2. Define (i) Dryness fraction and (ii) wetness fraction. (W21)
  3. Write the uses of “Steam Tables”. (W19, S20)
  4. Explain Equivalent evaporation and factor of evaporation (S19,S20)
  5. What is throttling calorimeter? Explain its limitation (W18,S20)
  6. What is superheated steam, list its advantages and application.(W2020)
  7. With neat sketch explain construction and working of separating Calorimeter.(W2020)
  8. Dryness fraction of steam cannot have the value more than unity:  Justify (w18)

5. Heat Engines

  1. With usual notations derive an expression to determine the efficiency of the Otto Cycle.(w19, S20,W20)
  2. Derive the equation for the efficiency of Carnot(S19)
  3. Prove that the efficiency of the Otto cycle is greater than that of the Diesel cycle For the same compression ratio. (S19)
  4. The heat transfer from a heat reservoir is proportional to its Temperature: Justify by deriving equation (S20)
  5. The efficiency of the Otto cycle is a function of compression ratio: Prove it. (w18)
  6. Discuss the Rankine cycle with a block diagram. (w18)

6. Steam Boilers

  1. How do you classify steam boilers? (W21)
  2. Draw a labeled diagram of the Babcock and Wilcox boiler. (W21)
  3. Discuss the construction details and working of the Cochran boiler with a neat sketch. (W19)
  4. Differentiate between boiler mountings and accessories. (W19)
  5. Explain with neat sketch, the construction and working of(1) Fusible plug (2) Air preheater.(W19)
  6. What is the boiler? Compare the fire tube boiler with the water tube boiler. (W19)
  7. Explain the construction and function of the Steam Trap with a neat sketch. Also, mention its specific location in the system. (S19)
  8. Explain the construction and function of the Steam separator with a neat Sketch. Also, mention its specific location in the system. (S19)
  9. List different mountings of boiler and explain anyone in brief (S20)
  10. Explain the construction and function of the Steam Trap with a neat sketch (S20)
  11. Discuss with a neat sketch any two boiler accessories. (S20)
  12. With a neat sketch explain the construction and working of the water level Indicator. (W20)
  13. List essential qualities of a good boiler. (W20)
  14. List different mountings of boiler and explain any one in brief. (w18)
  15.  Explain: Smoke tube internally fired horizontal type stationary boiler. (w18)

7. Internal Combustion Engines

  1. Write a difference between SI engine and CI engine.(W21)
  2. Classify I.C. Engines(W19)
  3. Discuss the construction and working of four-stroke Petrol engines. (W19, S20)
  4. Explain the following terms: volumetric efficiency, and compression ratio. (W20)
  5. Draw a neat sketch of an internal combustion engine, list its parts, and state the Functions of each. (W20)
  6. Explain the term: 
    • Clearance volume
    • Stroke length
    •  Swept volume (w18)

8. Pumps

  1. Explain the single-acting reciprocating pump. (W21)
  2. What is priming? Why priming is required in the centrifugal pump but not in the Reciprocating pump? (W21)
  3. Classify Air Compressors. Explain the construction and working of the centrifugal Pump with a sketch. (W19)
  4. Explain the construction and working of the centrifugal pump with a neat Sketch (S20)
  5. Discuss with a neat sketch of the Diaphragm pump. (W18,S20)
  6. Classify pumps on basis of principle, construction, and fluid flow direction In the pump. (W20)
  7. Explain with a neat sketch of single acting Plunger type pump.(w18)

9. Air Compressors:

  1. List out an application of compressed air. (W21)
  2. Explain the construction and working of the centrifugal compressor with a neat Sketch. (W21)
  3. Differentiate between reciprocating compressor and rotary compressor.(W18,W19,S20,W20)
  4. Draw a neat sketch of a p-v diagram for a single-stage compressor with Clearance. (S19)
  5. Draw a neat sketch of a p-v diagram showing Free Air Delivery for the air-Compressor. (S19, S20)
  6. Explain the need of multi-staging in reciprocating air-compressor with their Advantages. w18)

10. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

  1. Explain the vapor compression refrigeration cycle used in domestic Refrigerator. (W21)
  2. Explain with a neat sketch the Vapour Compression Refrigeration system. Also, Draw a p-h and T-s diagram for the same. (W19)
  3. Define the terms ‘Refrigeration’, “Ton of Refrigeration” and “Coefficient of Performance” (W19, S20, W21)
  4. Discuss the operational difference between Vapour compression and Vapour absorption refrigeration cycle. (S19)
  5. Draw a neat sketch of a domestic refrigerator and list its different parts. (W20)
  6. What is split AC? How it works? Explain with advantages and disadvantages. (w18,W20)
  7. Discuss the term:
    • Condenser
    • Baffle tray
    • Evaporator (w18)

11. Couplings, Clutches, and Brakes:

  1. Write the function of clutch, Break, and Coupling. (W21)
  2. Write a short on a single plate (disc) friction clutch. (W21)
  3. Distinguish between coupling and clutch. (W19)
  4. Using a neat sketch explain the working of the Block brake and Internal Expanding shoe brake. (W18, S19)
  5. Using a neat sketch explain the working of the Cone clutch and Centrifugal Clutch(S19)
  6. Distinguish between coupling and clutch. (S20)
  7. Draw a sketch and label the following: shoe brake, cone clutch, and flange Coupling. (W2020)
  8. Explain with a sketch:
    • Centrifugal clutch   
    • Fast and Loose pulley drive(w18)

12. Transmission of Motion and Power

  1. Compare belt drive, chain drive and gear drive.(W18,W20,S20,W21)
  2. Explain types of Belt Drives(W21)
  3. Describe briefly using neat diagrams the types of belt drives. (W19)
  4. Define the velocity ratio of pulleys and discuss the effect of slip and creep on Motion transmission. (S19, S20)
  5. Define pitch circle, diametral pitch, addendum, and dedendum using neat Sketch. (S19)

13. Engineering Materials

  1. Define the following mechanical properties: (1) Elasticity (2) Malleability(3) Ductility (4) Stiffness (5) Hardness (6) Toughness (7) Resilience. (W19, S19, S20, W21)
  2. Define ferrous and Nonferrous material with examples. (W21)
  3. Discuss the following with application and Properties:
    • Glass
    • Ceramic
    • Plastics (w18,S20)
  4. How metals are classified? Show with block diagram (W18, S20)
  5. List and explain the physical, thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties of Metals. (W20)
  6. List properties of copper and its applications. (W20)